Auto Service Hang Tags - Items tagged as "Service hang tags"

Auto service hang tags work in both the repair and car sales departments. US Auto Supplies carries a wide array of these rear view mirror tag options in three, four and even five digits with some available in several colors. Service hang tags are a principal piece of the daily organization of the customer vehicles in for service, providing a connected system for keeping track of day to day repair work order forms, customer car keys and the locating of vehicles out on the lot. For larger auto service centers that use service writer teams, the many color options of mirror hang tags, help keep the different service teams connected with the vehicles in their care.
Some Repair facilities are now using the magnetic car roof toppers as a more visible option of locating the vehicles on larger car lot areas. These roof top hats can work hand in hand with standard service hang tags or mesh entirely with the key paddles and plastic mirror hangers that go with the car top hats.